API Documentation

Climate API


Variable lists.


Returns (Dictionary): 3D atmospheric variables accessible with the KWP climate API.

(Key = variable name, Value = variable index)


Returns (Dictionary) 2D atmospheric variables accessible with the KWP climate API.

(Key = variable name, Value = variable index)


Retrieve atmospheric wind data

climate_api.uwind(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): zonal-wind component (m/s). Wind velocity in east-west direction.

climate_api.vwind(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): meridional wind component (m/s). Wind velocity in north-south direction.

climate_api.zwind(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): vertical wind component (m/s). wind velocity in up-down direction.

Ambient Conditions

Retrieve column (3D) atmospheric variables

climate_api.pressure(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): air pressure (Pa)

climate_api.temperature(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): air temperature (K)

climate_api.relative_humidity(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): relative_humidity (%)

climate_api.cloud_cover(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): cloud_cover (%) - above altitude. Percentage of sky above covered by clouds.

climate_api.visibility(latitude, longitude, altitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): visibility (km). Estimate of visibility derived from humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation rate.

Surface Conditions

Retrieve surface (2D) atmospheric variables

climate_api.OLR(latitude, longitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): outgoing longwave radiation (w/m^2). Returned from IR satellite imagery and used to view cloud cover in the absence of visible light.

climate_api.total_cloud_cover(latitude, longitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): total cloud cover (%). Percentage of sky covered by clouds.

climate_api.precipitable_water(latitude, longitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): precipitable water (mm). Amount of liquid water produced by the condensation of all available water vapor in the atmospheric column above a given point. Estimates the moisture content of the atmosphere.

climate_api.prate(latitude, longitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): precipitation rate (mm/hr). Liquid water equivalent precipitation rate, derived from convective and stratiform precipitation totals.

climate_api.mslp(latitude, longitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): mean sea level pressure (Pa). Pressure, reduced to sea level, by accounting for the elevation of terrain and diurnal variations in temperature.

climate_api.sst(latitude, longitude, ut)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): skin surface temperature (K). On land = land surface temperature. On water = sea surface temperature (SST).


Derive variables from climate API calls above.

climate_api.density(pressure, temperature)


  • pressure (double) - air pressure (Pa)

  • temperature (double) - air temperature (K)

Returns (double): air density (kg/m^3)

climate_api.wspd(uwind, vwind, zwind)


  • uwind (double) - zonal wind component (m/s)

  • vwind (double) - meridional wind component (m/s)

  • zwind (double) - vertical wind component (m/s)

Returns (double): wind speed (m/s)

climate_api.wdir_degrees(uwind, vwind)


  • uwind (double) - zonal wind component (m/s)

  • vwind (double) - meridional wind component (m/s)

Returns (double): wind direction (degrees). Direction in which the wind is coming from (e.g. 45 or 225).



  • wdir_degrees (double) - wind direction (degrees)

Returns (string): cardinal wind direction. Direction in which the wind is coming from (e.g. NE or SW)



  • olr (double) - outgoing longwave radiation (W/m^2)

Returns (double): cloud top temperatures (K). Cloud top temperature. If skies are clear this is an estimate of the land/sea surface temperature.

Weather API


List of available launch sites and atmospheric variables

lsites (List<string>)
  • list of available launch sites (three letter abbreviations)

lsites_name (List<string>)
  • list of available launch sites (full names)

lsites_lat (List<double>)
  • list of launch site latitudes

lsites_lng (List<double>)
  • list of launch site longitudes



  • launch_site (string) - three letter launch site abbreviation (e.g. KSC)

Returns (void): Reads weather data, at the specified launch site, into memory.

weather_api.get_nearest_lsite_idx(latitude, longitude)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

Returns (int): Index of nearest launch site in list (int).

weather_api.get_nearest_lsite(latitude, longitude)


  • latitude (double) - decimal degrees

  • longitude (double) - decimal degrees

Returns (string): Nearest launch site.


Returns (Dictionary): 3D atmospheric variables accessible with the KWP weather API.

(Key = variable name, Value = variable index)


Returns (Dictionary) 2D atmospheric variables accessible with the KWP weather API.

(Key = variable name, Value = variable index)


Retrieve atmospheric wind data

weather_api.uwind(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): zonal-wind component (m/s). Wind velocity in east-west direction.

weather_api.vwind(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): meridional wind component (m/s). Wind velocity in north-south direction.

weather_api.zwind(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): vertical wind component (m/s). wind velocity in up-down direction.

Ambient Conditions

Retrieve column (3D) atmospheric variables

weather_api.pressure(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): air pressure (Pa)

weather_api.temperature(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): air temperature (K)

weather_api.relative_humidity(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): relative_humidity (%)

weather_api.cloud_cover(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): cloud_cover (%) - above altitude. Percentage of sky above covered by clouds.

weather_api.visibility(altitude, ut)


  • altitude (double) - meters above sea level

  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): visibility (km). Estimate of visibility derived from humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation rate.

Surface Conditions

Retrieve surface (2D) atmospheric variables



  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): outgoing longwave radiation (w/m^2). Returned from IR satellite imagery and used to view cloud cover in the absence of visible light.



  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): total cloud cover (%). Percentage of sky covered by clouds.



  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): precipitable water (mm). Amount of liquid water produced by the condensation of all available water vapor in the atmospheric column above a given point. Estimates the moisture content of the atmosphere.



  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): precipitation rate (mm/hr). Liquid water equivalent precipitation rate, derived from convective and stratiform precipitation totals.



  • ut (double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): mean sea level pressure (Pa). Pressure, reduced to sea level, by accounting for the elevation of terrain and diurnal variations in temperature.



  • ut(double) - universal time in seconds (time since game began)

Returns (double): skin surface temperature (K). On land = land surface temperature. On water = sea surface temperature (SST).


Derive variables from weather API calls above.

weather_api.density(pressure, temperature)


  • pressure (double) - air pressure (Pa)

  • temperature (double) - air temperature (K)

Returns (double): air density (kg/m^3)

weather_api.wspd(uwind, vwind, zwind)


  • uwind (double) - zonal wind component (m/s)

  • vwind (double) - meridional wind component (m/s)

  • zwind (double) - vertical wind component (m/s)

Returns (double): wind speed (m/s)

weather_api.wdir_degrees(uwind, vwind)


  • uwind (double) - zonal wind component (m/s)

  • vwind (double) - meridional wind component (m/s)

Returns (double): wind direction (degrees). Direction in which the wind is coming from (e.g. 45 or 225).



  • wdir_degrees (double) - wind direction (degrees)

Returns (string): cardinal wind direction. Direction in which the wind is coming from (e.g. NE or SW)



  • olr (double) - outgoing longwave radiation (W/m^2)

Returns (double): cloud top temperatures (K). Cloud top temperature. If skies are clear this is an estimate of the land/sea surface temperature.