
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the KerbalWeatherProject (KWP) API in a C# plugin for KSP.

Copy KerbalWeatherProject.dll to your KSP_x64_Data/Managed Folder in the KSP Game Directory.

Add KerbalWeatherProject.dll as a project reference.

  • In Visual Studio this can be accomplished by clicking Project then add Reference. Browse and select KerbalWeatherProject.dll.

Include KWP as an assembly dependency in your project

>>> [assembly: KSPAssemblyDependency("KerbalWeatherProject", 1, 0)]

Open a class in which you’d like to reference the KWP API and add the following:

>>> using KerbalWeatherProject

Check to see if KWP is available

//Boolean to check for KWP in assembly
bool CheckKWP()
        //Define null type references
        Type weather = null;
        Type climate = null;
        //Sort through assemblies
        foreach (var assembly in AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies)
            //Search for KWP
            if (assembly.name == "KerbalWeather_Project")
                //Get assembly methods
                var types = assembly.assembly.GetExportedTypes();

                //Search for climate and weather api
                foreach (Type t in types)
                    if (t.FullName.Equals("KerbalWeather_Project.climate_api"))
                        climate = t;
                    if (t.FullName.Equals("KerbalWeather_Project.weather_api"))
                        weather = t;

        //Ensure API exists
        if (weather == null || climate == null)
            return false;
        return true; // jump out
    catch (Exception e)
        Debug.LogError("[WxAPI]: unable to find KerbalWeather_Project. Exception thrown: " + e.ToString());
    return false;

Use the climate API to retrieve climatological data at a specific point in time and space.

//Set UT Time
epoch = 3600;

//Set position for climate API test
double mlat = 25.0; // 25 N
double mlng = -60.0; // 60 W
double malt = 5000; // 5-km ASL

double uwind_climo = climate_api.uwind(mlat, mlng, malt, epoch);
double vwind_climo = climate_api.vwind(mlat, mlng, malt, epoch);
double zwind_climo = climate_api.zwind(mlat, mlng, malt, epoch);

Debug.Log("Climatological U-Wind " + (malt / 1e3) + " km ASL at (" + mlat + "N, " + Math.Abs(mlng) + "W) " + uwind_climo + " m/s");
Debug.Log("Climatological V-Wind " + (malt / 1e3) + " km ASL at (" + mlat + "N, " + Math.Abs(mlng) + "W) " + vwind_climo + " m/s");
Debug.Log("Climatological Z-Wind " + (malt / 1e3) + " km ASL at (" + mlat + "N, " + Math.Abs(mlng) + "W) " + zwind_climo + " m/s");
Climatological U-Wind 5 km ASL at (25N, 60W) 21.4549880545088 m/s
Climatological V-Wind 5 km ASL at (25N, 60W) -1.55983404053068 m/s
Climatological Z-Wind 5 km ASL at (25N, 60W) -0.0169466099952593 m/s

Use the weather API to retrieve point weather data at a given time and height (above each launch site).

//Altitude above sea level
double altitude = 0.0;

//Get list of launch sites with weather data
List<string> lsites = weather_api.lsites;

//Loop through launch sites
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)

        //Set launch site
        lsite = lsites[l];

        //Read weather data from launch site

        //Get temperature data for launch site
        double tmp_ls = weather_api.temperature(altitude, epoch);
        Debug.Log("Temperature at " + lsite + " "+altitude+" m ASL: " + tmp_ls+" K");
Temperature at KSC: 300.649475097656 K
Temperature at DLS: 288.496887207031 K
Temperature at WLS: 243.553863525391 K

Note: If using the Lite version of KerbalWeatherProject replace KerbalWeatherProject with KerbalWeatherProject_Lite for all references above.